Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So, so, suck my toe....

As we finish up Day 70 of our school year, I find myself still trying to blend the lines between play, fun, errands, housework, and school.  I want the kids to not have such strict times for what is or isn't school.  I consider so much of what they do during the day as intellectual and personal development...not just the time we spend at the table. 

Jackson: Today I told him "So, so suck my toe, all the way to Mexico".  It occurred to me he probably deals with more teasing at home from Paul & me than he'd ever encounter in a public/private school setting.  Today I started a list of all the presents he's NOT getting for Christmas, HA HA HA...still makes me laugh, just thinking of the look on his face when I started this out loud.

Here is a snapshot of items in Jackson's year thus far...
*finishing up our study of US history for the year
*copying a paragraph of cursive every day
*finishing up level 3 math
*working on rote memory of multiplication...getting facts faster

Lena: I sometimes get a panicky feeling, still, when thinking of how far Lena has to go in her learning, but she has come so far already.  We have worked diligently at the table each day we've had school, and at any and all impromptu times that learning lessons could be made.  After Christmas, she'll be ready to start learning to read using the same text as Jackson.

(I love horses cause (ep?? they are) soft.)  I love the punctuation!!!
Here is a snapshot of items in Lena's year thus far...
*beginning to sound out and write words on her own
*beginning to sound out and read words on her own in beginner books and games we play
*has good recollection of most letter names and all sounds
*working on identifying number names above 5 from flashcards

PJ: I shouldn't be surprised how much he picks up just being around the other two all day!

Here is a snapshot of items in PJ's year thus far...
*knows many color words, though calls everything "ownge"
*knows number words to 10, though doesn't say them in order when we play hide and seek
*learning to say "hut hut hut, hike" instead of "hike hike hike, hut" before the Superbowl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack's cursivive looks great! I am so pleased with his progress. Lena's love for animals still shines through and she is working hard to get it all in. PJ is a wonder and a very luck boy to have such wonderful siblings to help him learn. Janenne