Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fashion Plates

Lena and I have been reading the book Mrs. Katz & Tush as her recommended unit study for Five in a Row this week.  We've read it previous to this week and Lena really took to the story.
Mrs. Katz and Tush (Reading Rainbow Book)

First of all, Lena loves, loves, loves cats.

Second, the illustrations show a lot of emotion in them, and I think Lena can relate to the happiness and sadness of each of the characters.

It's a thoughtful story, and though her outer shell is crunchy, Lena has a soft and tender heart.

For Art today, FIAR recommended we discuss the emotion drawn in the faces of the characters as well as the texture used in the illustrations.  To demonstrate this, I pulled out my old Fashion Plates from when I was a kid.  Remember these?  I remember really liking this particular toy, and even now with my own girl, I enjoy color coordinating a smart pant suit for an attractive working woman.

If you recall, each character plate has a plastic textured backside which you could use when coloring each picture after they've been traced or rubbed off. 

PJ ended up spending a bit more time than usual playing quietly in the playroom.  But he was content and Lena and I were having just too much fun to clean up quite so quickly!

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