Monday, January 3, 2011

a day in the life

I'll share our daily schedule starting out the New Year.  It's similar to how we began in the fall, but for a tweak here or there.

6:00  (okay, add the -ish) up and Utmost for His Highest
6:30  down to the basement for weights or a walk on the treadmill
         whilst distracting myself with tv and radio
6:50  big kid's alarm goes off and they can snooze or read
7:00  up the stairs to get the kids going
7:30  kids down to devotions and breakfast with Dad-i-o, I'm off to clean up
7:50  kids do chores and I start my breakfast and quick e-mail check
8:00  wave off Dad, PJ to the playroom,
         Jack & Lena & I off to do table work
         Jack gets all but reading, piano, and any computer
         work he might have completed
         Lena gets all of her school work done except reading alone and
         me reading to her
9:00  Release PJ and snack for all
         Jack finishes up his table work and starts reading for about an hour
10:00 Playtime, I try to get a start on chores, e-mail, and get in some
          play time with PJ
11:30 Lunch
12:00 PJ naps & big kids Drop Everything And Read
12:30 I read with Lena
1:00   Playtime...I work on house stuff and school planning and usually play
          games, bake, or crafts with the kids for about an hour
3:00  PJ gets up and they all play or head outside
4:30  I start on dinner and if they kids are too wild for inside (as winter does to kids)
         they watch tv...usually ends up being "educational" but c'mon, Scooby-Doo
         has educational benefits, too!!!  This is the longet part of the day for me
         and having tv makes a great difference.
5:00  Dinner

This winter will have quiet nights, for which I'm thankful.  The kids are not doing an evening activity outside of Awana so we spend time playing games, reading, and wrestling Paul.  By the time we finish up dinner and clean up, there isn't a lot of time until we bunker down into the bedtime routine.  Reading with one kid alone is one of my favorite activities of the day.  Who wouldn't want to end the day all clean, and snuggled up with a good book!!!  PJ & Lena are in bed around 7 and Jack by 7:30/8. 

One of my favorite sections of the HS magazine "Practical Homeschooling" is the "Day in the Life" section.  If you're inclined to comment and post a link to your day, I'd love to read about it!!  I find it so helpful to try new things and ideas and activites based off of what it looks like in other families!

1 comment:

Nadene said...

I came over from Simple Homeschool and I really enjoyed reading your post. With such young children, days can be full and busy! I am inspired by your commitment to workout every morning!