Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reading Updates

We held our first book club of the New Year this week!

She's a reader!

We started the 100 Easy Lessons text this week and Lena is excited about doing her reading lessons book each day.  Lena was pleased at book club to share a book she could read to me and Jack.  We gave great applause and congratulations, you can imagine!

Jack shared two books he'd finished up over the weekend:

Jackson highly recommends this 333-page turner.  In fact, he gives it a 9 out of 10 on his rating scale!!  Inspried to read this because it was attractively placed at the top of our library reading pile (by moi) and because he'd seen a few videos of the animated RedWall series.  He's anxious to get his eyes on the second book.

Jackson read this one for school and rated it a 7 out of 10.  I agree, it is a very interesting read, especially if you're interested in learning how sailors began navigating by the stars from information in a book!


Anonymous said...

I so wish I could be at your book club talks and reads because the kids seem so excited. Way to go Jenny another great idea for reading motivation. Janenne

emilywarken said...

We use the 100 easy lessons. It worked really well. Lily loves 'Redwall' too. I like the new look.