Wednesday, March 23, 2011

That's My Favorite Word

This late winter has found the kids in front of the boob tube from 4-5.  I think I've mentioned it before, but when we can't get outside to play, it is a blessing to have this peaceful time where I can work on dinner and finish up chores, etc. leftover from the day.  We've been watching PBS during this time. 

The Kratt Brothers

The kids love Wild Kratt's about animals and the environment and I love Electric Company which is on next. 

I feel like having them watch Electric Company (remember this from when we were kids?) is like their cultural education to diversity and city life (a big HA!).

Another show I love, which we don't watch regularly is Word Girl.  I've tried for two years now, to get Lena to dress up as Word Girl for Halloween and Jack could be the villain "the Butcher" (see picture below....doesn't that look like how my kids interact??).  Now with PJ in the mix, he could be Word Girl's sidekick Captain Huggy Face (see first picture above...doesn't that look like PJ?).  It's hilarious for kids and maybe more so for adults, trust me.

The second season of WordGirl begins on September 12, 2008 on PBS Kids GO!

Okay, so slowly approaching the point here:  There is a segment on Word Girl called "That's my favorite word".  This morning at table time, Lena uses the word grumbling.  I say, "I love that word."  She says "My favorite word is brunch".  This cracks me up....Do 5 year olds normally have favorite words and if so...are they as marvelously delicious as b-r-u-n-c-h?  Come on, say it IS a good word, isn't it!!  Jack pipes in "I like surprise because it can be used in so many exciting ways". 

This conversation continues to tickle my funny bone, so I thought I'd share with you. 

You might tell from my meandering writing that we're still switching beds at night...You should have HEARD the wind out here last night....SO LOUD!!!  We trudged the box fan upstairs with some success at blocking out the noise and comforting frightened faces.

Okay, off to watch PBS with the kids, er, I mean, make dinner.

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