Monday, April 4, 2011

Recent Learnings

::Jack is currently working on topics as follows::
square root, the speed of light, Lewis & Clark, journal writing in cursive, preventative measures to sibling peace (i.e. NO eye rolling), chess strategy, keyboarding, fraction reduction

telling time to half hour, coin identification, light and heat energy, self-control (too vague?), interior design (for new room), spelling names of family members, syllabication

Coupled with a recent trip to the zoo, we are plugging along. 

There is a lot of talk about many different topics going on these days regarding our impending move.  Fun, dreamy ideas (of Mom & kids) which will hopefully give us incentive to push through April & May with school to be completed in time for the move and on to summer break (and summer school, shhhhh).

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