Friday, April 8, 2011

Yes, she said Facebook

I've been a lazy blogger this due in part that it took me forever to sign up for Facebook.  Also, I've been spending waaay to much time over at  Spring is in the air everywhere except actually in the air and I need to hang laundry on the line or something to kick me out of a funk.

In the meantime, Renee's post on moving and homeschooling was a good one today.  Check out Homeschooling and Moving over at today.  I'm certainly not ready to rid ourselves of our table time yet, but I can tell, it's going to be a push to be diligent in our full school schedule through May. 

Pray for us often!!!

(I've been trying to upload a few pics of the week for a good part of the morning and am having difficulties...just words today!)

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