Friday, September 9, 2011

Girls Rule

The gals in part of my family have gotten the real treat of vacationing together every few years for a long weekend.  It is always a blast, filled with lots of laughing and catching up and hanging out.  This year, we hit a beachside community in Michigan.

I, especially, enjoyed hanging out with Lena (and without the boys).  It was fun just to meet her at her level and have tons of energy to include her in the group without other distractions.  And SHE had a BLAST!!  She loved everything about the weekend and was a trooper for all of the shopping and walking and odd mealtimes/bedtimes, etc.

( this picture because I know it made my Mom nervous to see Lena acting the daredevil like her father!!!)

We look forward to next year...where shall we go next???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am so thankful for our girls time together and so glad Lena is now part of this wonderful creative group. Love all the birthday pictures and also the one of Lena leaving on the last day of girls weekend. Have a great day, Janenne