Monday, September 28, 2009

And then there were three...

One neat thing about homeschooling is keeping a slightly erratic schedule when it necessitates.

Since the end of August, we’ve been planning on couching it during the airing of the new Ken Burns documentary series on the National Parks. (Check out for tv schedule near you, or watch the episodes off the web at your convenience). Paul and I get really excited about the national parks and since before we had kids thought how much fun it would be to take kids all over our great country.

The series is on for several nights in a row, two hours each night. That’s a lot of tv!! We thought that despite the latter hour of the night, it would be fun to show Jack some of the episodes.

We kept Jack up last night to watch the first.

How did we go from one to three kids up til 9 pm watching tv with Mom & Dad…toothaches and thunderstorms. But with some cuddling, Tylenol and sippy cups of milk, all were settled in with no stress about getting up in the morning to get out the door by 7:30 for school!

This morning, then, during my quiet time I asked the Lord to help me lower my expectations and increase my patience and because of His grace we had a great morning of homeschool. More on that later!
Meet you tonight in front of the tv!!