Monday, December 13, 2010

Family Draw

I think I've mentioned before, one idea I gleamed from Amanda Blake Soule was having a "family drawing night".  We did this last night for our advent activity.  It works especially well for Paul and me because we're not people who naturally sit down with the kids and doodle.  Everyone chose something for the whole group to draw:

PJ-others suggested a truck for the group to draw

Lena-thought everyone should draw a Santa or an Elf

Jack-wanted everyone to draw the largest Christmas dinner they could imagine

Mom-asked everyone to draw a picture of a gift for someone else

Dad-suggested everyone draw a picture of our family

(A local newspaper in our area sells leftover news rolls for $1!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun activity - all of them budding artists. Love to see them in action. Janenne