Monday, February 28, 2011

Movin' in the Morning

During the "Day in the Life" Series on Simple Homeschool, Jamie from Steady Mom  shared how they begin each school day with a circle time.  I've thought for a while to begin our day, as well, with something that a) signifies we're starting our school day and b) joins us all together. 

So...we started moving.  I plug in the MP3 and we take turns choosing a song with which to move.  I say "move" because I don't want to call it dancing and yet, while we do dance, it usually ends up being a rat race around the kitchen island.  But, it calls us all together without Mom having to say "Let's go" and gets a lot of wiggles and giggles out before we sit down to study.

Here are a few of our favorites:

Get Movin!

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