Monday, April 25, 2011

Clap Your Hands

A recent FIAR book Lena and I read shared the story of a young girl in post-WWII times.  In "A New Coat for Anna", Anna needs a new winter coat and her mother finds creative ways of bartering to get Anna just the right one.  Anna gets to see firsthand how her coat is made, truly from beginning to end, including the weaving process.

So I checked this book out from our amazing interlibrary loan system.  I scanned several projects and put in the "try this when Lena is older file". 

One project we tried right away was simple paper weaving.  It was quick and easy.  Just the right length to allow her to complete one project in the time it took me to a read Anna's story to her one more time.

Later in the day, I was outside watching the kids in the front yard.  Instead of weeding the flower bed, pulling up fence posts, or spraying crab grass, I planted myself near the tire swing and had weaving on the brain.  One idea in the "Kids Weaving" book suggested using twigs and branches to weave a fence, trellis, or even a shelter. 

I figured I'd start small and build a fence to keep the children out of the fairies camp.

Do you believe in fairies? … If you believe clap your hands.
James M. Barrie
Peter Pan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do believe in fairies and more important I believe in you all! That is a great book and I love the way you carried it further. You amaze me. Love, Janenne